Money is sensitive subject. How much we earn and how much we owe is information we prefer to keep close to the vest. So, what do you do when you are ready to buy a condo in Perdido Key? And how much does your real estate agent really need to know?

The truth is there really is no need to worry. The client/agent relationship is vested in privacy, this includes the intimate details of your personal finances. Real estate agents don’t expect you to disclose everything, and they don’t need you to either. All they need is the bottom line, that is your overall situation to help you find a home within your budget.

An agent’s job is to negotiate a home purchase on your behalf, covering everything from home values to neighborhood features. Home financing is a separate issue from the home search and rests in the hands of your mortgage lender. They are the ones who will need access to your recent pay stubs, tax returns and bank statements. Your Realtor needs your lender-generated preapproval letter.

If you have more questions about buying a home, contact our real estate agents at Pointe South. Our professionals will be happy to help you navigate the process until you have found that perfect place to call home.

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