If you own a home in Coastal Alabama, there is a truly beautiful place called Bellingrath Gardens that you will want to visit with the family this Christmas. While we recommend all botantical enthusiasts visit this Gulf Coast attraction, this garden is especially beautiful during the holidays!

Bellingrath Gardens is most famous for it’s incredible azalea displays and spring events in conjunction with them, but Christmas is a close second. The annual Christmas event showcased the 65 acre estate during the month of December with over 3 million lights and close to 1,000 lighted displays throughout the grounds.

Each evening enjoy coral performances that are sure to delight as you sip warm cocoa and cider while strolling through the festive scene. The kids can even have their picture taken with Santa while you pick up a few presents at the Gift Shop.

The lights will be on display from November 28 through Chrismas night. Indugle yourself in just the lights or take a grand tour of the homes, as well. Prices start at just $15 for adults and $7 for children. Kids under 4 are free to attend.

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