It’s almost Christmas which means cooking a big meal with friends and family, lots of dishes and a ton of leftovers, right? Well, if you would rather keep the kitchen of your Pensacola home or real estate in Perdido Key sparkling and let someone else cook, we are here to help.

We totally understand if doing another turkey, ham, pan of dressing and all the sides sounds less than appealing, especially since you undoubtedly cooked all that up less than a month ago for Thanksgiving. So, why not let someone else handle the cooking. How nice would it be to get open, open presents, go out for a great meal and then simple lounge around? No prep and no dishes, just joyous relaxation with your loved ones.

So, who will actually be serving Christmas dinner? Several restaurants in Pensacola will throw open their doors to welcome locals and visitors. These includes delicious options such as Jackson’s Steakhouse and The Fish House. Both will be open at 5pm and serving a delicious dinner. If you feel like throwing together on of your favorite sides, consider attending the potluck dinner at the Flora-Bama in Perdido Key. They will provide the meat and lunch begins at 1pm!

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