How to Create an Inviting Atmosphere for Your Photo Shoot

Are You getting ready to list your home for sale or for rent? Here are some important steps you can take to ensure beautiful pictures during your photo shoot.

Clean and Declutter

Cleaning and decluttering is 100% the most important step. Make sure your home is clean and free of clutter. Organizing will make the space look larger and more attractive to potential buyers. When a home appears to look messy, it sets the tone that the property is not well-maintained, which can be a turn-off for potential buyers.

On the other hand, a clean and organized home can make a good impression and help potential buyers envision themselves living there. Nicely made beds, fresh matching bathroom towels, and sheer neutral curtains help create a warm and cozy look. Fans will be turned off for photos, so try to have those cleaned. We want to do everything we can to attract the most offers or potential renters. We can recommend some incredible cleaning vendors who can help you!  

Stage the Space for your Photo Shoot

In addition to decluttering and cleaning, it may also be helpful to stage the interior of the home. This involves rearranging the furniture and décor to create a cohesive and welcoming look. Staging can help showcase the full potential of a home and make it more appealing to buyers. Anything that could potentially prevent someone from envisioning themselves in the home should be stored away.  If there’s going to be a room off-limits for storage, let the photographer know. Sometimes it is a good idea to get a storage unit to store the items you do not need. This comes in handy when it is time to move!

Professional photographers recommend removing towels and toiletry from the bathroom countertops and showers. Removing robes from behind the bathroom door in case it’s closed. Your should put personal family photos away; a few are okay. Make sure anything with your personal information is put away, like baby name plates. These usually contain a child’s full name and birthday, which is unsuitable for internet display. Finally, consider things you don’t want in the pictures, like gun safes, extra TVs, and excessive clothing.

Make the Necessary Repairs Before Your Photo Shoot

Fix any broken or damaged items in the home. This will show buyers and renters that the house has been well-maintained and is in good condition. Ensure your front door has a fresh coat of paint and is free of any debris. This is the first impression of walking into the home. We want the front door to “pop” in the pictures.

Improve Curb Appeal

Make sure the outside of the home looks as good as the inside. This includes mowing the lawn, trimming shrubs, fresh mulch, and planting flowers. In addition, if you have a large camper or an RV, consider moving it for the day to prevent shadows and make the space look bigger.

Make sure the pool is clean and free of leaves. A sparkling blue pool draws in buyers and renters! Your photographer can typically add green grass to exterior photos, but only if the home typically has green grass; we need to be truthful for the buyers. One uncommon idea that usually looks good is adding a couple of fake flowers to the hedges! No one can tell in the pictures!

Add Lighting

Make sure there is enough light in the home before your photo shoot. Turn on all the lights, open curtains and blinds, and consider adding additional lighting if necessary. Photographers recommend trying to have bright lighting that matches in hue (red/blue/yellow). We can help determine if more lighting is needed before picture day.

Timing of Photos

Morning or “golden hour” is the best time in general; it’s best to take photos when the sun is not directly shining on the front of the house. By doing so can create harsh shadows and make the colors look washed out. If the property faces east or west, it’s best to take photos in the morning or late afternoon when the sun is not directly in front of the house. If the property faces north or south, the best time to take photos is around midday when the lighting is more even. It’s also a good idea to refrain from taking pictures on overcast or cloudy days, as the lighting can be flat and unappealing. We will work with the photographer to ensure we have the perfect timing.

Oversaturating or Over Sharpening Pictures

We want to make sure the photographer doesn’t over-edit the photos. Too heavily edited pictures make the home look unrealistic and misleading to potential buyers and renters.

Do Not Stress!!!

This list may seem like a lot, but we are 100% here to help! So please turn on the music and make it fun! Photo shoots can be fun and it is exciting to see professional pictures of your home.

Getting ready to list your home for sale or to rent? Give us a call, and we can help guide you through the process. We have trusted and talented professional photographers that we love to work with. [email protected] ~ 850.492.1148