10 Helpful Packing Tips For Moving To The Gulf Coast!

Helpful Packing Tips For Moving To The Gulf Coast!

Some people become stressed when planning a move. But, whether you or selling or buying, you will have to pack it all up. I actually love packing and moving! So, I will give you some great helpful tips for moving across the country or the town.

Tip #1 Start the Purge

I mean it; go through every drawer and every cabinet. You will want to purge items before the move, not after. Recycle or donate anything you no longer need or use. You can post items for sale or free on the Facebook Market Page. The earlier you start this, the better! Starting early will reduce stress and ensure that you have everything organized that you are planning on taking with you! I recommend watching Marie Kondo. She motivates me to declutter and keep belongings “that speak to your heart!”

Tip #2 Rent a Storage Unit

If you can and time allows, rent a storage unit. Packing away items you will keep but do not readily need is very helpful. You can slowly move items daily, so the boxes are out of the way. This is also a useful tip for preparing your home for picture day!

Tip #3 Materials You Should Use

I love the boxes you can buy at Home Depot. They are good quality boxes and are suitable sizes. I try to get boxes that match in size, so it is easier to stack and keep organized. I recommend buying bins like these to pack holiday décor or items you will store in the garage. Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs. This will make unpacking and organizing your belongings easier once you reach your new home. Use packing materials such as bubble wrap, foam, and newspaper to protect fragile items. Stretch wrap also saves your furniture from being scratched up.

Tip #4 Preparing Your Electronics

Take photographs of your electronics and appliances before disconnecting them to aid in the reassembly process. This also comes in handy when purchasing your new homeowner’s insurance. I would also label remotes.

Tips #5 Moving Equipment

If you are moving on your own, I recommend renting, borrowing, or buying moving dollies (at least one) and making sure your moving truck has a ramp.

Tip #6 Storing Clothes, Pillows, and Blankets

Vacuum seal your clothes, blankets, and pillows. This helps reduce taking up space and keeps these items clean. You can also use pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals in boxes with breakables and picture frames.

Tip #7 Changing Your Address and Subscriptions

Notify utility companies and other important contacts of your move in advance. You can submit your forwarding address by clicking here. Update the address on your driver’s license and vehicle registration. During my last move, I forgot to cancel my auto-subscriptions from Amazon. So, do not forget about any orders that are auto shipped to you.

Tip #8 Gift for the New Homeowner or Renter

I always try to leave a little gift for the new homeowner or renter. It can be something small like a bag of coffee, wrapped toilet paper with a new bar of soap, or new toothbrushes with new toothpaste. Moving can be stressful, and seeing a little welcome gift can go a long way. After all, you are handing off keys to new people who will be making memories in the home.

Tip #9 Your To Do List

Create an excel spreadsheet “to do” list with all the above steps. I like using excel because it makes me feel organized and gives me a sense of achievement when I mark something as complete. In addition, you can quickly delete items.

Tip #10 Have FUN!!!

Remember to have FUN! Moving into a new home is an exciting change and a fantastic opportunity to start a new chapter in your life! Remember, we are here to help! Call or email us, as we are happy to help in any way we can. 850. 492.1148 susancarletonteam@pointesouth.com